bandwidth wallpaper

In 2021 I started working with Spoonflower, Gensler and Bandwidth to design wallpapers for the new Bandwidth headquarters in Raleigh, North Carolina USA.
Bandwidth HQ wallpaper collection
just goats extra light natural bandwidth raleigh HQ sharon turner scrummy spoonflower wallpaper
birds of prey terracotta sharon turner scrummy bandwidth raleigh HQ spoonflower wallpaper
Bandwidth Raleigh headquarters wallpaper project sharon turner Raleigh NC state Fair toile image c/o National Coatings Inc
Blue Ridge Landscape WIP and design crops sharon turner spoonflower
blue ridge landscape ~ earth
soil work in progress and design crops sharon turner spoonflower scrummy
soil ~ soil layers
growth work in progress and design crops sharon turner spoonflower scrummy
growth ~ roots
North Carolina NC abstract river work in progress and design ctops sharon turner scrummy spoonflower bandwidth
NC river
meadow feathers work in progress and design crops sharon turner scrummy
flora & feathers ~ plants
crops NC North Carolina spoonflower sharon turner scrummy bandwidth
crops NC
soul food work in progress WIP and design crops sharon turner spoonflower scrummy
soul food
geo ocean work in progress WIP and design sharon turner spoonflower
geo ocean
marsh NC work in progress and design crops sjaron turner spoonflower
marsh NC
trees north carolina blue ridge mountains work in progress WIP and design crops sharon turner scrummy spoonflower bandwidth
trees NC ~ trees & dogwood
Atlantic fish work in progress and design crops sharon turner scrummy spoonflower
Atlantic fish
North Carolina mammals work in progress WIP and design crops sharon turner scrummy spoonflower
North Carolina mammals
birds of prey work in progress and design crps sharon turner scrummy spoonflower
birds of prey
owls NC WIP and design crops sharon turner scrummy bandwidth
owls NC
beetles work in progress WIP and design crops sharon turner spoonflower scrummy
NC wildflowers and bees WIP work in progress WIP sharon turner scrummy spoonflower bandwidth
NC wildflowers and bees
just tree frogs WIP work in progress and design crops sharon turner spoonflower bandwidth
just tree frogs
Raleigh NC (AB) toile WIP and crops sharon turner spoonflower
Raleigh NC (AB) toile
North Carolina State Fair work in progress WIP and design crops Sharon Turner wallpaper scrummy spoonflower Bandwidth
North Carolina State Fair
first flight work in progress and design crops spoonflower sharon turner scrummy
first flight
hot air balloons festival WIP and crops
hot air balloon festival
pottery WIP work in progress and design crops sharon turner scrummy spoonflower
pottery ~ Native American
woodworking and textiles WIP work in progress and design crops sharon turner scrummy spoonflower
woodworking and textiles ~ NC industry